The programming Language with only 8 syntax

The programming Language with only 8 syntax

Brain Fuck! ([ ] . , < > + -)

(Brain Fuck) yes, you call the name right “brain F*ck” 😉 Brain Fuck is an esolanguage “esoteric programming Language” History: it was created in 1993 by the physicist Urban Müller.


. It have the .b and .bf extensions

. The brain fuck has only 8 syntaxes which comprise of: [ ] . , + - < >:

(1 ) " [ " the open square bracket works like the start of a while loop if the pointer byte is zero jumps the pointer forward to command after the matching ] command.

(2) " ] " the close bracket the ends of the loop if the data byte is nonzero jump it back to the command after matching [ command. The while(*ptr){ }

(3) " , " accept a byte of input just like the c getchar(*ptr)

(4) " . " Output the byte at the pointer equivalent to the c putchar(*ptr)

(5) " + " pre-increments the pointer just like the c ++*ptr

(6) " - " pre-decrements the pointer equivalent to the c - -*ptr

(7) " > " increment the pointer point to the next cell to the right

(8) " < " decrement the pointer points to the next cell to the left

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-15 at 11.47.49 AM.jpeg

code link check the code on the online brainfucker compiler

Above is a simple illustration of the brainfucker code for writing a "hello world"

“The language is precise so the article” 😉